Accessibility for Developers: Lets Get Intimate with WCAG

Have you ever developed a feature, sat back, and thought, “Hey, thats a great piece of engineering?” We all have. You’ve perfected your data flow, your front-end optimization, limited your server calls. Pat on the back for you.

Here’s what you’ve missed: Do you know what your contrast ratio is for colour and font-sizes? Have you considered users that only have keyboard inputs? What about screen readers for visually handicapped individuals? Yeah, you’ve read about it a ton. But has some one actually taken you through the code to make a feature accessible? Maybe not.

In this workshop, we’ll start with a seemingly simple feature, and by the end of it, we will have made sure that we’ve considered a host of users who may not be as lucky as you and me to use our eyes, ears, and multiple inputs.

We’ll get into the code and metadata that you may not know even exists to aid with Web Accessibility, run our development against the WCAG standards and then we’ll sit back and relax.
